Re: grimmlord speaks
hmmm... Today I heard that my super high mercury level may be due to that fact that mercury has been purposely put in many products via directive of the Rothschilds...the most Satanic Family on the planet, Illuminati Banksters Gangsters Numero Uno. Is it true? I don't know, (about the mercury part), but they certainly have taken the role of financing some of the greater evils in the world.
As for Russia,,, it's not what you might imagine. Actually, from first hand experience, they are far more religous (the people) than the average American today, and outside a cultural tendency to cheat (for money), they seem to be more morally intact, ie. family values and traditions than the Western World.
If Kim is moving around by train, particularly to Moscow, definetly things are heating up. It's no secret in Moscow that they are TOTALLY competitive of all things American, and a percentage of them HATE Americans. Putin's unveiling of the new class of TOPOL M ICBM's with a 6,000 mile range and ability to change trajectory last moments in flight to defeat any antiballistic sheilds America may have, unleashed to News Media for Dislplay on Christmas Eve is a POWERFUL yet little known message to the Western World, particularly AMERICA.