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Ack! Parasites...
Ceeeeez Views: 1,424
Published: 21 y

Ack! Parasites...

Okay so... maybe it's me but I've been reading post after post in these forums and people are so matter-of-fact about some of these topics. Personally, I'm really "ooog-ed out" at just the thought of creatures wriggling around inside me. The threads about people feeling MOVEMENT after taking CoEQ10 are particularly disturbing because I've already purchased this stuff with intent on doing the Q10 cure... followed by the Master-Cleanse for most of the month of May.

I'm just having a few last minute reservations though. I am usually *not* the kind of person who is easily rattled. In this case though, I'm actually a bit afraid to take this monster 3000mg dose of Q10... because I think I might just go bonkers if I feel anything WRIGGLE. Is this REALLY a common thing?

I may wait until Monday to do the Q10... or maybe I'll just hurry up and do it before someone replies and tells me I'm definitely going to feel squirming.

Ugh. I can't really tell if I'm glad I found this site- or if I'd rather be blissfully polluted, toxic, and parasite-infested. Perhaps that's a really bizarre thing to say. Does anyone else react this way- or am I just being a big baby?



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