well ther's more to it,, mercury fillings are very toxic, they can leed to diffrent types of illnes, after Plutonium, mercury is the most toxic element known to man..
the most infected organs in the human body are: brain, lungs and stomake
very strange, that in most countries mercury
Amalgam fillings are banned but in the UK
its worth to read some more about this, many people are getting these removed, I think I will do the same thing..
just make sure you get an experienced proffesional to do this, as a regular dentist can do you more harm than good
if you live in uk, you can get some more info from them:
Patients Against Mercury
Amalgam (P.A.M.A.)
No 9, 6-9 Bridgewater Square
London EC2Y 8A
tel 020 7256 2994
Ruth's dentist is Carolyn Green at the Wrington Dental Practise, Broad Street, Wrington, North Somerset, BS40 5LD
Tel. 01934 862 069.
The British Society for Mercury Free Dentistry,
225 Old Brompton Road, London, SW5 OEA
Tel 020 7373 3655 (Information Line)