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Best Bowel cleanse?? pls help
San2006 Views: 1,457
Published: 19 y

Best Bowel cleanse?? pls help

Okay, for backrnd, I have done 6 successful liver flushes. I eat healthy foods, stay away from refined sugar, refined flours etc.

My problem is 3-4 days after the flush, I start feeling clogged in my gut, not eliminating very well, constipated feeling. I go everyday, but still the quantity of BMs is not too much, and I get cramps and feeling I need to eliminate more...

I have a product called BIOXY CLEANSE ( similar to Oxypowder ). When I use it, I get lose bowels. I hate to get lose bowels. Should I continue to use this 5-6 days and suffer from lose bowels?
What else can help to keep my bowels moving?
I drink ACV dissoved in water every day. In morning I take ACV and blackstrp molasses dissoved in water. I tried ading cayenne to it, and felt very sick and got very bad diarrhea. I want to cleanse my bowels but I hate the diarrhea. Liver Flushing as it is gives me enuff diarrhea.

Should I try enemas? I am so confused. when my bowels are not moving well, I get tired, headaches, backaches, sleepy. I know its all connected.

Please help!!


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