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OxyPowder eliminates "Impacted Fecal Matter" but what about "Mucoidal Plaque"?
acnebegone Views: 2,362
Published: 19 y

OxyPowder eliminates "Impacted Fecal Matter" but what about "Mucoidal Plaque"?

Hey, guys. I've been doing a little more research about mucoidal plaque and impacted fecal matter. Essentially they are the same, right? However, I'm confused. I read that when the body gets too acidic and overwhelmed with bad foods, the intestines will secrete a type of mucous that will seal off all toxins and such from penetrating the blood, i assume. I suppose with a persistent bad diet, that bad foods would stick to this and accumulate. I then have to ask if Oxypowder eliminates the mucoidal layer that the body secreted a long time ago? Does Oxypowder just eliminate the accumulated food matter? Or does it eliminate the mucous that was secreted from the intestines in the first place? I'm confused about this. If you want, you can read more about "Mucoidal Plaque" and how it comes to be along with the impacted fecal matter here:

I emailed Oxypowder about this question so I'll update when I hear back from them.



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