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Colosan problems

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Staci R. Views: 648
Published: 19 y

Colosan problems

I took Colosan for 2 days, 2 times a day and I had to stop. I was having right side, gallbladder pain and right side kidney pain. Has this happened to anyone else? It also has caused me to have feelings of mensis even though I am 1 week after my cylce. I actually had cramps. I was also feeling very dizzy and lightheaded after my second day, even malnourished. I ate as normal, a whole food diet so I know it wasnt that I changed that. Maybe my body just isnt up for all the magnesium? I have a very sensitive system so I am not surprised. I have looked and so far colonics are unavailable in my area. This is my first attempt at Colon Cleanse (other than 1 coffee enema after my last gb/liver flush). Any ideas how I can clean out my colon gently? I need to do this so I can move on to my monthly gb/liver flush. Is coffee enema enough to cleanse/prep the colon for a gb/flush? I seemed to have no problems with that.

Also, does anyone recommend taking probiotics when colon cleansing for 1 week?


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