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Re: Don't know if I should post here....
finallyfaith Views: 1,069
Published: 19 y
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Re: Don't know if I should post here....

enzymes do not break food up into smaller bits, they convert it into usable energy for your body. your teeth are what breaks it donw with the help of digestive juices. but the juices can only do so much. if you swallow big pieces of food, as most people do, that food may go thru the entire system and out the other side without every being converted to energy. so toake yhour time and chew your food.

you really just need to energize and accelerate your digestive process. bowel cleansing is a good way start that. believe it or not the liver may be just as important in digestion as the intestinal track, my guess is your liver is toxic and tired. i would definitley do a few Liver Cleanses also. bile secretion is the most important aspect of degestion and it is produced by the liver.



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