Re: That's a little narrow minded
Please do not think that I am one of those pro Bush no matter what people. I am not. I completely agree with your point about it being irresponsible to send our troops over there under false pretenses. Please note that I never said I agree with the decision to invade Iraq. However, the reality of the situation is that young americans are in harms way. If we promote websites and literature that only talk about the ugly side of war, and God knows it's ugly, then we are giving our enemies ammo and giving the world false reasons to hate us even more. There is a lot of good that is going on in Iraq today. There is freedom of religon, freedom of speech, women are taking on a much larger social role, children are getting better educations etc... So yes, it was irresponsible to go to war under false pretenses but please don't make it worse by supporting such one sided and unfair information. Notice I'm not "offended" by the pictures, and I'm not "in denial" about the innocent children being killed. I'm simply stating that there is both good and bad that is going on in Iraq and I think you need to acknowledge that truth.
Also, I would appreciate it if you would not attack me personally..."Maybe you've got some of that Depleted Uranium in your neural pathways". Attacking the person and not the argument only makes you loose credibility, and I think your argument is very credible....just a little one unbalanced.
To answer your other 2 questions...Do I think they have Democracy in Iraq? No, but I believe they are better off now than with a mass murderer in power. Do I think Democracy is alive and well in America? No, I think our country has completely lost touch with what our founding fathers had in mind. Our country has so many problems I don't even know where to begin. Also, I would appreciate your opinion on this...didn't our founding fathers intend for this country to be a "republic"? It's in the Pledge right?