"Mag O7" recipe from manufacturer; so far, so good!
Keeping my fingers XXXXXXX...this is the first day with no pain!
I used the MagO7 alone for 6 days & had plents of "release", but my pain was still there. I called the company [Aerobic Life] and explained about my CT scan, the impaction & pain & asked IF the MO7 would work by itself.
Was told yes but it would take several weeks. They said they have a 10 day
Colon Cleanse kit & told me what was in it. Well, I had everything already here, whoopee!!!
It is basically what I had asked about on these boards before, but was advised not to try...combining the 2 types of cleanse! Here is their recipe:
For 3 days take 6 Mag O7 at bedtime...[I took full 6 capsule dose for 6 days before I got this recipe[. This cleans out all the "backed up & present food".
Then start this routine:
oz. Aloe Vera + 6
oz. water + 1 teaspoon psyllium - take this one hour before or 1 hour after brkfst, lunch, & dinner.
One hour before bedtime take your antioxidants.
One hour later, at bedtime, take 3-5 [depends on your system, I'm doing 5]
Keep to this schedule for remaing days.
They sent me lots of literature & their "kit" has added stuff. Oat bran w/the psyllium & herbs, etc. However, I wanted to get started right away since I had psyllium & aloe & things are going great so far. I do a lot of herbals, bentonite, & de-tox tea, so I think I've got it pretty much covered. :-)
I do not add the
Bentonite to the psyllium drink. I follow bottle instructions for detoxifying. 1 TBS in water first thing in morning & 1 TBS. alone at evening meal.
Just praying that today was not an abberation & that the impaction is well on it's way OUT!!!!!