I have to agree with people that say Oxypowder does not remove mucoid plaque. I've been on Oxypowder since last summer and I've never seen anything resembling MP come out of me. Since people are getting good results in removing MP with blessed herbs I'm wondering if using Oxypowder along with Dr. Schulze 's Intestinal Formula #2 would be as good or better than using the blessed herbs colon cleansing kit? The IF #2 has the same ingredients plus more than the toxin absorber in blessed herbs has and it's only $18 for an 8 ounce jar. The digestive stimulator in the blessed herbs kit is just a bunch of herbs that irritate the colon to keep it flushed out and oxypowder flushes out the colon probably just as well if not better. Plus it also adds oxygenation and germanium-132. It's cheaper to buy the oxy and IF #2 ($39.95 +$18) as opposed to the blessed herbs colon cleansing kit ($89.50). Here's a link for the IF #2: