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Re: Almost exactly 24 hours after taking Blessed Herbs

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Lovey Views: 2,611
Published: 19 y
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Re: Almost exactly 24 hours after taking Blessed Herbs


Yes, I'm taking only organic apple juice, Blessed Herb packets & spring water. It goes down the toilet just fine. Infact, I have to be VERY careful lifing it up to take pictures because it breaks so easily. That's why I stopped lifting it up with a pitch fork and started using a glove because then it doesn't fall to pieces as much. I believe the Blessed Herbs is really softening it up. I have posted four pictures after 48 hours of Blessed Herbs and I intend to post all of them throughout my 5 day cleanse, so keep checking out my BLOG :) My only regret is that I didn't save them in plastic bags to weigh them at the end of the five day period. That would have been some good information for all of us to know..Oh well.

I saw your other post. As far as how you feel when you start the cleanse, I can say that I feel fantastic! I do have some die-off. I'm getting the ol' canker sores back in my mouth and such, but the book says that is the body starting the healing process. Apparently, the body couldn't begin healing old sick areas because it was too busy just keeping up...Now that so much junk is cleaned out, the body can focus on cleaning the entire body up and that causes old symptoms to return for a short period of time. Mentally, I feel wonderful. I know my health is improving, I'm learning a lot and posting in my BLOG to help others....I feel lighter and it feels like a beautiful day to be alive.




Yes, I'm taking only organic apple juice, Blessed Herb packets & spring water. It goes down the toilet just fine. Infact, I have to be VERY careful lifing it up to take pictures because it breaks so easily. That's why I stopped lifting it up with a pitch fork and started using a glove because then it doesn't fall to pieces as much. I believe the Blessed Herbs is really softening it up. I have posted four pictures after 48 hours of Blessed Herbs and I intend to post all of them throughout my 5 day cleanse, so keep checking out my BLOG :) My only regret is that I didn't save them in plastic bags to weigh them at the end of the five day period. That would have been some good information for all of us to know..Oh well.

I saw your other post. As far as how you feel when you start the cleanse, I can say that I feel fantastic! I do have some die-off. I'm getting the ol' canker sores back in my mouth and such, but the book says that is the body starting the healing process. Apparently, the body couldn't begin healing old sick areas because it was too busy just keeping up...Now that so much junk is cleaned out, the body can focus on cleaning the entire body up and that causes old symptoms to return for a short period of time. Mentally, I feel wonderful. I know my health is improving, I'm learning a lot and posting in my BLOG to help others....I feel lighter and it feels like a beautiful day to be alive.





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