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Your nose will notice a difference!
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Published: 20 y
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Your nose will notice a difference!

Oxypowder produces watery bowel movements, affectionately known as "butt pee" around this site. There are a number of substances that will give you liquid BMs, such as Epsom Salts .

One thing that I noticed with Oxypowder is that there is hardly any odor associated with the butt pee! No need to light a match to burn off the excess methane, if you know what I mean. My watery BMs have been almost black at times, so I know I was releasing some really old stuff, yet almost odorless. (very helpful when you need to use a public toilet, like at the office)

I believe the deodorising effect is due to the release of oxygen in the intestines. Ozone is used to purify waste water at many sanitation facilities and is sometimes used as an alternative to chlorine or bromine in swimming pools.

Also, anyone with an allergy to sulfer or sulfa drugs may have a bad reaction to Epsom Salts , which is magnesium sulfate.

I haven't tried magnesium citrate for bowel cleansing yet, so someone else will need to comment on that.

One other point - pharmakinetically there is a difference between a laxative and a purgative. A laxative normalzes bowel function. A purgative purges the bowel. Many people use the term laxative when they mean purgative and some companies market their pugative products as a laxative as well. This distinction is important if you are researching the effects of herbs and/or other substances on the body.

After using Oxypowder following a liver flush, I find I need to take Triphala for a week to normalize again and avoid constipation.


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