Re: question for ptree
Hi Edwin,
I have done numerous cleanses...colon, liver/gallbladder, kidney, parasite, candida, fasts...and for different periods of time. About 15 years ago I was diagnosed with systemic candidiasis, chronic fatigue syndrome and multiple chemical sensitivities and allergies. I also had a terribly imbalanced endocrine system that resulted in endometriosis and uterine fibroid tumors. I spent three years doing intensive cleansing and diet modification, as well as addressing the candida. My first
Colon Cleanse lasted about 6 months. Since that time, I have done many rounds of the other cleanses...some
Colon Cleanses for a couple of months, fasts for up to two weeks, etc. I haven't been as diligent about maintenace programs as I should have been, so my toxic load has increased from time to time...but never to the point that it was previously.
The benefits that I have experienced are numerous and astounding...better digestion, clear skin, dramatic increase in energy, improved moods, clearer thinking, better memory, elimination of joint pain, muscle aches and headaches, improved nutritional status, weight loss, improved menstrual cycles, brighter eyes and slightly better vision, stronger libido, better sleep, elimination of many food and chemical reactions, elimination of candidiasis, rare occurences of colds and flu (improved immune functioning), etc.
Detoxification, a
healthy Diet and improved management of stress have provided the most dramatic benefits to my own health and well-being.
You have a lot of good things to look forward to!