I met with my naturopath today and I am beginning some more intense cleansing ( I have been doing herbal and homeopathic cleansing and detoxing for some time). I will be doing liver flushes, kidney cleanses, lymph cleanse. She wants me to start with a weekend bowel cleanse. She thinks that will be enough to start since I have been doing a lot of cleansing anyway and have had a very clean diet. I will be taking Epsom Salt in water orally for 2 days, then on the third day, doing an Epsom Salt enema. She told me to use 3/4 cup Epsom Salt in 2 quarts of water. I looked at recipes for galic and epsom enemas and they only use 2 tbsp for 1 quart of water, or even less. Does this sound like too much epsom salt? I'm worried it might be too harsh.