Re: dont stop until we get answers
the lady from another web site made several good points while at the same time raising difficult questions not likely to be answered by the TPTB. It's one thing to read about all the aid from foreign countries that was quickly offered and as quickly refused by the bush admin "in the interest of keeping this disaster a domestic matter", but to read about them also preventing domestic efforts of individuals pouring out their hearts....... ?..... I can't find the words at the moment to describe my reaction to this.
For those who are not already aware, something you should know - once one peels away all of the fluff and dis-info, FEMA is about one thing; they are designed and motivated only to be a rapid-response cover-up team, and this is from first-hand experience and obsevations during various red-cross relieve efforts from just a few years back (North/South Carolina about 4 years ago, similar destruction from Hurricane as what just happened with Katrina, mid-west Texas from a year or two before that, North/South Dakota a little before that, all of these were majaor flood scenes that eventualy, in the immediate days to week or so of recovery process, played out the same. FEMA was still practicing with it's training wheels during these events, still learning how to become proficient at getting to the scene of a widespread disaster, and taking control once they got there. Don't blame them for being incompetant at dispersing essential supplies, this is not the primary goal of their efforts. Their job is quite simple - use whatever means and force necessary by threat of "federal authorities" to take control of a scene, cordon off the area, tightly control the people allowed into the scene, tightly control the type of info allowed out of the scene and into the public. When these controls are in place, they consider their job as having been done successfully, every thing else, like actually helping survivors, is icing on their cake. Red-cross has gotten a black eye in the recent past, mostly due to handling of finances at the upper echelons of admin/management. Also remember at the lower levels, the bulk of the actual relief workers on the ground were real people, they are not jack-booted thugs on the federal dole, they are volunteers, many of them retired nurses and the like. Despite the mismanagement of $$$, redcross had no peers as far as quickly mobilizing and getting on site with vital supplies - food, water and helping with shelter. Of recent years, while FEMA was still getting up to speed honing their skills, it was typical for redcross to have already been on the scene for days, helping people, handing out water, blankets, food, helping to begin the confusing process of survivors sorting out their lives, only to have the FEMA feds arrive on the scene in their tax-payer funded SUVs, walkie talkies and firearms and begin throwing their federal weight around, This is what they do.