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sifting through info
mom2lucky Views: 1,479
Published: 21 y

sifting through info

Hi, I have been reading many forums here for many months, or possibly a year or more, anyways I just started to pay attention to the Oxypowder /coloson posts (I am slow I guess:) and now have questions. I have done Schultz cleanse. I take fiber daily as I am on the loose side, have an average 3 bm a day, but do not feel cleaned out, I have digestive problems, and liver problems, I have done 4 flushes thus far. What I want to know is what is the difference between these bowel cleanses:
fiber cleanse
Oxypowder type cleanse
salt water flush
and are there other bowel cleanses. From what I have read fiber scrapes your intestines clean, but does not always get it all. Oxypowder type cleanses do small intesitine well but not too sure about large intestine. Enemas get large intestine, not so much small, and colonic gets all, but takes many sometimes to loosen old stuff. Salt water flush seems just to get it all moving. So how do you decide which to do? Or do you do a combo, or try one and move to another in a circuit type thing? There is so much talk about constipation with the cleanses it is hard for me to decipher which would work for me as I need fiber to bulk up so my stool is not liquidy. And also, just because I have 3 or more bms daily does not mean I am clean could it? Again I do not feel clean, light, clear headed, etc. I feel bloated, have slow digestion and am carrying alot of weight around the middle and no where else (not saying it is all in my intestines, surely alot is fat:) Ok, sorry to ramble, if anyone has any pearls to throw my way I thank you wholeheartedly.

- oh, also about Oxypowder and coloson, is there a difference in performance or just in one being powder and one a pill, and of course price- thanks again


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