My experience was great
Be sure to go to an experienced hydrotherapist. I knew someone who had suffered a punctured colon during a
colonic session, so you can imagine how leary I was. The issue though, was that this was an elderly person. When I first talked to my hydrotherapist, she said that she doesn't even give elderly people
colonics as it can be very risky.
She has been a hydrotherapist for 5 years, and I asked her lots of questions.
For me, it has been probably one of the best things I've ever done for myself. I've purchased a Delux Colema board, and I'm pretty excited about getting it.
But in all honesty, be sure to ask for instructions before your colonic, and go to an experienced person. Doing castor oil packs helps, and eating the right foods helps also.
My experience was fantastic, and I had such a major improvement in my overall health and energy, and my
Acne went away after my second colonic. Combined with liverflushing, it's been the best thing I've ever done for myself. It was a very wise investment.