I have a dear friend in the same condition.He is about 71.Why don't u just tell u'r friend to do a master cleanse and the works and he'll be healed?Yes,this is sarcasim.This forum has broken my heart the way some have changed it.I wanted pp to be able to bear their souls.All their griefs and sorrows and burdens.Without condemnation about what they may have done in the past.That does not help a person one bit that is grieving and in pain and agony!That is what carrying one anothers burdens and having a compassionate heart is about.I never read where Jesus told the lepers it was their fault because of their eating habits!Did you?"my pp are destroyed for lack of knowledge is about lack of knowledge of his word".Not how much olive oil and epsome salts to drink.This was a prayer forum where pp could bare their souls knowing someone here could relate and feel their pain and I myself can read ceratain request that God keeps on my spirit that I pray thruout the day and in bed at nite and awake praying for them till I get release in my spirit from God over it.That is prayer and carreying one another's burdens.Not jumping down their throats.Just letting them talk and listening wih u'r heart and making interssion for the.The pp here are not stupid and can go to the other forums for alternative med which I do believe in.I got advice to help my menopause and acne that came along with it.PP should be free to tell their heart and pain and know it will be taken seriously.If it helps some of u to know,I'v ordered and used some of Dr.Clarks products and will do it again.This is just not the forum for it.Love,Dot.