He WILL NOT take it!I was giving good supplemnts and he HATES pills!It is cut down to where he'll only take the omega3 and a multi!I have even threatened to open them and put them in his food without him knowing but just can't do that.He hears Dr Colbert and Dr Cherry sometimes but still fights me.He even said it was making him worse!LOL!There are lots I need to buy such as CoE10 but have no money.I'v been having trouble with my heart.Congestive heart failure runs in the family and killed my father and my brother when my brother was only 53.But I'm going to just keep on pushing with Gene.Please pray he will open his eyes and heart to alternative med.He hates Dr's too.I'm at my end to where I have to go to alterantive medicine but then obviously I believe in it for I was looking for it when I found curezone.My harmones{I'm just post menopause}have gotton better while I took a little info here and there untill I found what worked for me and my skin cleared up as a result of the harmone thing.This is the prayer forum so please keep him in your prayers.I'll give an update after his appointments in July.I know you all are praying and I believe I'll be giving a praise report that it is not as bad as it looks.Thanks for your prayers.Love,Dot.