If that isn't bad enough the U.S has developed a chip that is so small it can be injected into your blood stream. The company trades on the new york stock echange as mondex(it should be still there unless they changed the name.)In addition these chips can transmit the wearabouts of the individual through the GPS system. Me thinks this will be implanted in mandatory vaccinations or voluntary if one is too stupid. All thanks to the war on "terrorism". Mon means in the forehead, Dex means in the hand this takes us into revelation where the beast(America) "forces all men both free and bond to take name and number of the beast" couple this with the most powerful church in the world Rome(the second beast in Revelation) and Guess who all secret societys are subservent to yup Rome. Hey with our friend of "freedom and liberty", the Bush clan it won't be long untill the final solution plan is activated. If yu don't go along the N.W.O will track you down.