Patriots vs. peaceniks and other liberal leftists.
Patriots vs. peaceniks and other liberal leftists
The peacenik movement has never made sense unless one first understands that it isn't a peace movement. It is an absolute attack on everything America traditionally stands for. These sad souls use the rights granted by the First Amendment to destroy the Constitution and everything for which this republic stands.
The late Lyndon B. Johnson's "great society" constructed the framework for creating a victim class, perpetuating the growth of oppressively large government, and opening the doors to those who would bring down the historic American mindset of liberty and freedom. The eight year reign of terror by the Clinton team took the framework, created the box springs, mattress, and covers (including media-made comforters) ... for the bed in which we now lie as a morally decadent and weakened nation in panic.
If one can correctly designate the desire to return to a free America as a "vast right wing conspiracy" then surely one can designate the moral equivalence, outrageous conduct, growing cowardice and slovenly mindset of the peaceniks, Hollyweirdos and mumbo-mom anti-gun marchers as a "vast left-wing socialist conspiracy".
It is far more rational to see that the flimsy "right wing conspiracy" is a psyop label in a war within the nation. We've been in civil war now since the mid-1960s, but particularly since 1993 when the gradual descent became freefall.
Think! What outcomes, in an outcome-based society, has moral equivalence produced?
The decline of education to meet the ability of the students, rather than the demand that students meet the requirements set by educational standards that time had tested for generations.
The acceptance of any and all cultures, including perhaps the practice of voodoo and sacrifices to little gods unknown, as being morally equivalent and hence, acceptable.
The trashing of our American heritage and traditions as "offensive" ... including the display of the American flag or the images of our nation's heroes.
Protests by nearly every segment of this society that something is offensive, including historic Indian names that were originally intended to be complimentary.
Victims who enjoy being victims and have no desire to move beyond the victim class or victim mentality because the status it gives them feeds their ego and desire to be noticed, pitied, and fed at the expense of others.
The list could go on for pages. It's time to stop the nonsense. Perhaps the
Terrorism (yes, terrorism, not freedom fighter strike) has rocked most of the nation back to its senses. At least one credible statement was even reportedly made by someone at Berkeley, but that was apparently a slip. No further credible statements have been reported.
Our greatest war is not the war against terrorism, it is merely the most visible and urgent at the present time. The most dangerous and invidious struggle is the war within the United States, between citizens of this country, whose ideas are as incompatible as those of Western Christianity and radical Islam.
Our war for the past fifty years or more has been between continued liberty and individualism or traditional American values, and the liberal agenda of moral equivalence and globalism. We haven't engaged the ideological war even when it created politically correct speech, which is a form of lying, hypocrisy or pluralism with which to suppress the true rights of Americans to freedom of speech. It extends far beyond courteous treatment of peoples of other ethnic origin. It is selective free speech, which is not free at all. Again, the good reasons, if any, are always presented to cover up the real reasons.
Just as equal pay for equal work is a good reason for women to seek redress of an actual grievance, the feminist movement went far beyond a valid cause and the real reason has been adequately demonstrated to be an attack on the nuclear family and the breakdown of traditional American and Judeo-Christian morality.
It's time to announce zero-tolerance for the leftist agenda.
No more political correctness, it has expired.
No more open borders, they are dangerous to our nation and to our people.
No more pandering to peaceniks, they are subversives or people with great delusions.
It's once again time not only to be proud to be an American, but to return to those traditions that made us a proud and mighty nation. If we are simply proud of our flag but ashamed of our degraded lifestyles and subversive elements, we've living in the past and not the present.
America, it is time to stand up and identify!