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History Has Much Knowledge To Share
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History Has Much Knowledge To Share

An American Counterfeit of the Rise and Fall of Nazi Germany

By Randy Lavello

The similarities of Hitler and George W. Bush are striking; it makes me wonder how the same ‘mistakes’ could be repeated. How could the emblem of evil: Nazi Germany, be replayed so closely in our present United States without the intervention of reason? ‘Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.’ Is this the reason our school systems teach us history as merely dates and events - without drawing an insightful, definitive chronology of history- to keep us from seeing the parallels as history repeats itself? As the great master of history, George Orwell said: ‘He who controls the present, controls the past. He who controls the past, controls the future.’

As we know, the Reichstag was set ablaze, the Nazi’s blamed it on the Communists, and Hitler was given dictatorial powers through the Enabling Act, which was passed nineteen days after the fire. German citizens then lost most of their civil rights in the ensuing crack-down on communism. It is commonly agreed upon that the Nazi’s burned down the Reichstag, because the patsy probably wasn’t capable of doing it alone, and because nothing could have worked to Hitler’s favor more than this event. In early 2001 here in the U.S., the ‘president’ was ridiculed daily as a moron, the economy was faltering, (and has only been neglected more since 9/11/01) American’s confidence in their government had nearly run out after the travesty-of-an-election in Florida, and there was a contagious sense of unrest growing at a grassroots level. Bush was unable to walk the last length to the White House as is customary after his inauguration, as bottles were hurled at his limo, and an unruly crowd chastised him. Even without delving into the facts, (which are so numerous that this article would have to become a book to include all of them) common sense dictates that nothing could have been more beneficial to this ‘presidency’ than the attacks on the Towers and Pentagon. It seems more likely that the CIA-spawned, Al-Queda network was merely doing a favor for their mentor: George Sr., on behalf of his Trojan-Horse-Son. Our Congress, weeks after the attacks, passed the ‘PATRIOT’ Act which saw the death of the Fourth Amendment and curtailed many other inherent rights. George Jr. has strengthened the executive branch to an unprecedented level and only continues to gouge out checks-and-balances.

It is a known fact that the ‘Robber Barons’ and international bankers financed the Bolshevik revolution in Russia, and the facts tell the same tale of the rise of Nazi Germany. Prescott Bush was convicted in 1942 under the trading with the enemy act for trading with the Nazis, while working as director of Brown Brothers, Harriman, a bank in New York City. William E. Dodd, U.S. ambassador to Germany in 1937 remarked: ‘A clique of U.S. industrialists is hell-bent to bring a fascist state to supplant our democratic government and is working closely with the fascist regimes in Germany and Italy. I have had plenty of opportunity in my post in Berlin to witness how close some of our American ruling families are to the Nazi Regime… Certain American Industrialists had a great deal to do with bringing fascist regimes into being in both Germany and Italy. They extended aid to help fascism occupy the seat of power and they are helping to keep it there.’

Bush Jr. was given 447 million corporate dollars for his campaign in the 2000 ‘elections.’ Greg Palast remarks, ’election? Looked more like an auction.’ The big money was behind Bush and now he is engaging in pre-emptive strikes in an effort to take over the whole of the Middle East. As we all know, Hitler made pre-emptive strikes in an effort to take over the whole of Europe.

We are now told that we must defend the Homeland from the terrorists. In Nazi Germany they were told they must defend the Fatherland from the communists. We now have a Bill called the ‘Our Lady Of Peace Act’ waiting in Congress to be voted upon, which registers the nation’s firearms. Hitler began with gun registration before making it illegal for citizens to own private firearms. Of course we in America have the right to keep and bear arms in our Bill of Rights, but with the way our Constitution is currently being shredded in D.C., is it really as guaranteed as we’d expect? The Nazis were famous for their concentration camps; our government agency, FEMA currently has ‘relocation camps’ set up throughout the entire nation. Nazi Germany was the most technologically advanced nation of its time; the U.S. has the most advanced weapons on the planet. Hitler invaded Poland and the world decided to ‘pacify’ him and let him have it; Bush is invading Iraq and the world, while against it, isn’t doing anything to stop it… yet.

It seems as though Hermann Goering, president of the Reichstag Nazi Party under Hitler, may currently be a member of the presidential administration: ‘Naturally the common people don’t want war: neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.’ Maybe the following quote of Hitler’s sounds familiar to us in our post-9/11 nation, ‘An evil exists that threatens every man, woman, and child of this great nation. We must take steps to insure our domestic security and protect our Homeland.’ Did Hitler survive the bombing of Berlin and take a job writing speeches for Bush?

Well it may be surprising that Prescott Bush was fined a million dollars in 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act, but what’s even more surprising is that the CIA was founded after WWII under a secret treaty between the United States and Nazi Intelligence. This treaty, which absorbed Nazi agents already in place in the Soviet Union and elsewhere, is still a classified document. Is it any wonder why George Bush Sr. was director of the CIA in the 70’s, when he ‘coincidentally’ helped create the Moujahadeen in Afghanistan, and place Saddam in power in Iraq? Project Paperclip brought the Nazi scientists into this country to work with our government agencies. Maybe Nazism is a contagious disease… an illness the Bush family is prone to!

Simply put, Nazi Germany created a police state at home, while it waged war on those nations surrounding it, but we should examine what happened after the war was lost. The Soviet Empire, which was heavily backed by International Bankers, extended itself throughout Eastern Europe. The nations of the world called for a strong, international entity to oversee disputes between nations so there would never be another World War. Thus, the United Nations was created. When taken back a step further, the cause-effect relationship becomes clear: WWI saw the creation of the League of Nations, which Congress was smart enough not to get us into, WWII saw the founding of the United Nations to replace the ineffective League of Nations… what is likely to happen after WWIII? Can you see the script about to be played out?

The whole world has been watching the BBC and knows just how criminal our filthy administration is… but the U.S. citizens are kept in the dark and follow our traitors-in-office blindly. Because of this, the whole world (good cop) doesn’t want our imperialist war (bad cop) to occur; yet we allow it to happen. The United Nations will likely claim to a desperate world that they didn’t have enough power to stop the U.S., citing the need for a standing army and tax money. U.N. troops are already stationed throughout this country and the Pentagon has stated that they will ‘utilize foreign assets’ in the event of another terrorist attack - if our troops are engaged abroad. With the stroke of a pen, the U.N. troops patrolling our streets could be turned on us if the U.N. decides the United States has lost favor with the world. Then, just as the Soviet Union took over the disputed lands of Eastern Europe, the United Nations will step in as the ‘savior’ of the already conquered Middle East and take control of all the oil… The End.

It’s a beautiful script. Of course, I am only speculating, but it does seem as though we are on the verge of WWIII, and the powerful elitists do want to install a World Government. The only question to be answered is whether the U.S. will be ‘bad cop,’ as I’ve suggested, or ‘good cop.’

The most disturbing question of all this is - why is our nation traveling the path of Nazi Germany when we know it is a morally-vacant, dead-end route? It isn’t difficult to admit that our government is for sale. Therefore, it seems likely that the International Bankers have preordained this route as an escalator to their goals of more money and power. The prime money-maker for all the bankers and industrialists of the world is war. War destroys not only places, people, and things, but it also destroys governments, alliances, and ideals and provides for the reinvention of all the aforementioned. Creation and destruction go hand-in-hand, and the powerful elite know that in order to create the world under their control, they must destroy what has been previously built.

One should also remember what George Orwell had to say about war: ‘The primary aim of modern warfare is to use up the products of the machine without raising the general standard of living…But it was also clear that an all-round increase in wealth threatened the destruction - indeed, in some sense was the destruction- of a hierarchical society.’

We must heed the warnings of the past and prevent this nightmare-scenario from being executed. For those citizens who rely on the attitude that ‘it can’t happen here;’ realize that there is no more dangerous a stance than this textbook-denial mentality. If martial law is declared because of the ‘imminent’ terrorist attack, how will you vote the next president into office? Since you can’t, I’m sure George Jr. will ‘reluctantly’ accept another term, ‘until the scourge of the terrorists is wiped out, and democracy restored.’


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