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Yes it is.
Lapis Views: 1,009
Published: 21 y
This is a reply to # 451,151

Yes it is.

I'm not sure it was the webmaster. It was either a mistake or it was deleted on purpose by one of the new crew. One is an American Christian Bu$h supporter. I would hope however that these people are impartial. Other than personal attacks on posters, everything else should remain.

There is a pressure mounting in the Ask The Webmaster Forum by several people to have The Political Forum removed because they feel it brings out anger. They feel this has no place on a health awarness/polotics of health website. I said they better remove the christian forum too then, because it is full of even more anger. In the case of the political forum, if personal attacks were stopped, then everything should be okay.

The saving grace is that the owners are from Europe and judging from their posts they are dead against this war and Bu$h's antics. With that in mind, and the fact that what this site represents (truth about healthcare and big business control) the forum should remain intact.

I've started backing up my posts incase they are accidentally or purposely deleted. You may want to do the same.

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