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It shouldn't be neccessary to do the salt flush...
Blackbeard Views: 1,611
Published: 22 y
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It shouldn't be neccessary to do the salt flush...

The Epsom Salts do the same thing, and will clear out your system faster. The first two Epsom Salt drinks I had pretty much evacuated everything in my system. I wouldn't want the salt flush ahead of that.

The time doesn't seem to matter, as long as you adjust the entire schedule by the same increments.

I think you are supposed to stop the water an hour before the first Epsom Salt drink.

When I do it again, I will lube the tube, and make sure not to eat or drink anything spicy ahead of time. So if you are drinking the lemonade, I might cut out the cayenne pepper. Also I would squeeze the Grapefruit Juice before the first epsom salt, because I spent most of the time in the bathroom leading up to drinking the OO (Olive-Oil) and GJ, and at the time I was worried whether I could squeeze Grapefruit Juice between BM's....

Good Luck!

Keith S. :{)>



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