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Day 6--P&B is definitely working! Long--and so's post ;-)
The caption basically says it all, about a dozen 4-to-8 inch long bowel shaped objects eliminated today after a Colema.
More importantly, I have pain free joints again today!
I'm not sure, but a small part of me--maybe the self-sabotaging part that wanted to eat the Red Vines, Good & Plenty, Mike & Ike, chewy granola bars, beef jerky, raisins, peanuts and sunflower seeds I am sending in a care package to our nephew in the Persian Gulf--kept saying that the result weren't going to last anyway, so I might as well quit while I was ahead.
The continued strength in my hands this morning, my energy level, my attitude, my non-PMS--Huz went from total fear of MC to wanting me to live on it, my clarity, my weight loss (down 7 with 13 to go) now makes me soooo glad I didn't succumb to that voice. I don't know who that is, but I don't need him anymore, and I have a feeling he (it was a man's voice telling me to eat) won't be around much longer.