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Re: I need to find a cheapier ozone generator
  Views: 1,578
Published: 19 y
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Re: I need to find a cheapier ozone generator

I use an ozone machine - I am dealing with lyme and find that it really helps. I don't think it is a total cure, but as a part of what I'm doing, it makes a big impact. I do use insufflation, but you need a very expensive medical grade machine for that. I do feel that drinking ozonated water alone does make a big difference though. I personally would not use ozone in the sinuses. I have had problems with over doing the ozone and had lung problems and heart issues. I do my best to ventilate when I use it and to not breathe it. However, I suspect having the oxygen in the body may help even the sinuses.

Do you use the silver in your sinuses? That is something I do, and also very diluted salt water with grapefruit seed extract.

Here is another ozone machine for making water. It's pretty inexpensive:

I'm also including a link to an article about lyme, and you may want to use the link to the resources page with lots of links to some alternative lyme treatment sites and chat boards.


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