this is not the first time i have heard negative results from cellfood. personally i don't trust any of thsoe oxyegen supplements. oxygen is HIGHLY unstable and doesn't stay in a bioavialble form for very long at all. i know i know all those sites selling oxy supplements will tell you that discovered the one and onely way to stablizie oxy and make it good blah blah but i don't buy into it at all.
someone else on curezone spent a lot of money on celfood and then had to throw it away because of the horrible reaction to it.
if you want oxygen the best way is to make it yourself with an ozonator. god only knows what you are reacting to with these products you get. if you ozonate good water and drink it and then have reactions then you are definitely reacting to the oxygen not something else. right now there is no way of knowing.
ozonators are now cheaper than ever and once you buy one you dn't have to keep buying more supplement. get an ozonator and forget about all these alleged oxy products is my personal advice.