ALBA PURA bath salts' claim to remove chlorine from bath water is a good one but with some serious caveats. Clastic clays like kaolin have a clinging microstructure of flat plates that selectively suck particles like a filtering sieve. Anybody that would put clay in their drain pipes has a mighty faith. Clay will mechanically build up and no chemical cleaner will remove it. Carbamide peroxide will reduce pollutants like chlorine by oxidation but carbamide peroxide is itself toxic. The mineral mix is there to catalyze the carbamide peroxide more effectively.
Just add Hydrogen Peroxide/H202 to bath water to degrade pollutants like chlorine and heavy metal contamination. I'd add a blast of Silver Colloid to the bathwater to enhance the effect of the Hydrogen Peroxide, but do not add Silver Colloid directly to Hydrogen Peroxide or it could hyperoxidate, i.e., ignite or explode. Contributors to the Colloidal Silver forum have used these silver colloid + H202 baths extensively and say they have been of great effect. Breakdown of contaminants from tap water is surely one reason why. -nordskoven