Re: My Project
This is an impressive amount of information you have collected
on ozone. Several times while reading over it, I was compelled to
say out loud, "I love ozone". It's great stuff, isn't it? I wish
I'd known about it 20 years ago.
I don't think I've ever seen such a long list of things that a single
method treats as you have listed here. I hope you are able to publish
this on as many websites as possible. There were a few things I hadn't
heard before. Great stuff.
An aside: over the last few months I kept hearing about the effects
of PH on the body and hadn't been all that interested. I have
ozone, after all, which is the single greatest pathogen killer of
all, right?
I finally took the time to do some studying and learned that the reason
raising the body's PH will kill cancer is that a body that has a high PH
factor, which is in an alkaline state, is - surprise - rich in oxygen.
The high PH'ers are really saying the same thing we are. They
just approach it differently. They also quote Otto Warburg like we do
about how cancer can't exist in oxygen.
And, like Vitamin C, Cesium is perhaps even more effective at penetrating
cancer cells. Not only does it penetrate like Vitamin C, but Cesium has
a PH of 9 (highly alkaline) and it instantly kills cancer when it gets
inside. Neiper used Cesium treatments and found that if you can raise
the body's PH to 8.0, all cancer dies within a few days (which is due to
the highly oxygenated body). So, interestingly, the truly sound modalities
are complementary rather than contradictory.
Good job!!!!