Re: Mfalz, life span
im glad i wasnt raised to become a doctor. because then i would take pride in medicine, and i wount be arrogant to the nutral ways, 'probably'. and i would "think" i was doing the right thing when i would be so for from the right thing.
God has no control over when we die. some drunk could kill me riding my bike down the street and god has no contol over that. God cant just make my heart stop beating right now while im typing this if he wanted to. i could however get a blood clot in my main arteries from 'whatever' and its how i lived my life, when i die he doesnt have to decide weather i go to heaven or not, its already a set decision in the soul of my being.
either im going to be apart from god and go to hell, or i will be connected with him in heaven. it shall be on earth as it is in heaven, so i do what is right not for any alternative motive. i do it because its the right thing to do. help some one who needs it, and wants it. dont waite till you die to see what happens if you will go to heaven or not. the time is now in the present. not past. and not future. thats my ramblings for now. lol