If you are in good health, you should be able to tolerate the straight 3% applied to your warts or acne. However, if you have a chronic illness, you may not be able to tolerate this strength. Some people have had very good results with warts by applying straight 35% with a cotton swab to the warts while avoiding getting it on the surrounding healthy skin. If you find it too strong, dilute it a bit first. For acne, you can also use products that contain benzoyl peroxide such as Clearasil, since it works in basically the same way as hydrogen peroxide.
However, to permanently get rid of your Acne you should try liver cleanses, oral peroxide, and a change in diet. The "Optimal Diet" can get rid of acne, clogged pores and oily skin. My skin has certainly been much better lately. Here's a testemonial of a vegetarian who adopted the Optimal Diet and cleared up his Seborrhea (clogged pores) amongst other things: http://homodiet.netfirms.com/q_a/vegeterian.htm If you have any questions about the diet, try this forum: http://ahoa.org.au/forum.html