Re: Tim
Ehrlich, Ecoscience, p 590, WHFreeman, 1977
Colorectal cancers in women of 23 countries vs. meat consumption.
Death from heart desease in Isreal Correlated to meat consumption 1949 to 1977
"The following study, one of the first done in Puerto Rico, investigate the different kinds of diet and the level of anxiety and
Depression that the subjects present. The sample consists of 80 subjects between 25 and 70 years age divided into two main groups (vegetarian versus no vegetarian) depending on their diet consumption.
The basic findings in the three psychological tests given (IDARE-1, IDARE-2 and CES-D) to the subjects demonstrate significant differences in anxiety and
Depression between groups. More anxiety and
Depression where reported in the no vegetarian groups in comparison with the vegetarian groups. In addition, diet analysis found more nutritional antioxidant agents levels in the vegetarian group in comparison with the no-vegetarian group."
"It is obvious that KM is lost in the meatarian propaganda that falsely claims humans need lots of, or concentrated, proteins. The facts prove that humans require a mere ~1/3% protein in their average diet, maintain nitrogen balance with small amounts of protein, and research consistently shows that vegetarians and raw fooders are healthier than meat-eaters"