Six Quotes About Life
"One's life will have no shape or meaning, except that one gives it
himself; and with a sense of election, of one's special and precious difference."
-- Andre Gide / JOURNAL --
"Choose what is best: custom will make it agreeable and easy."
--Pythagoras --
"In many moments of our life, we would barter the whole of our future
for a power that is, in itself,
-- Marcel Proust / REMEMBRANCE OF
"Every moment in life is a new point
of departure, an ending and a beginning, a convergence as well as a divergence. All that we are today
is the result of tens of thousands of past actions, an interweaving of
choices and chances, some grasped,
many squandered."
-- Yehudi Menuhin / UNFINISHED JOURNEY --
"The most important thing any man can learn is that mere WILL on the
part of a man to do a certain thing
will, finally, if he goes on trying
long enough, give him the power of
doing it. We do NOT learn to do things by practice. What is meant by
practice is that you keep on trying to do a thing and trying to do a
thing -- and quite suddenly, a miracle occurs, and you find you can
do it. By WILLING to do something,
you have actually created the cellular tissue, and you have given
yourself powers you did not have before."
-- George Bernard Shaw --
"Consider the first spider of any
spring; he builds something he's never built, to catch something he's
never seen -- that hasn't been born
-- Tom Robbins / EVEN COWGIRLS GET