Re: The Invitation
I have taken basic Nutrition, but it was my first semester at college, so I didn´t retain much, though I would like to get back into it.
I haven´t taken any wholistic classes, though I believe in the the body and mind and spirit connection. I´ve read a lot of books, including Anatomy of the Spirit. I know I´m suppose to be in the Medical Field, it´s something I have a fascination with. I am currently working on my own issues and what not. I do have an interest in going to Barbara Brennan´s School for Healing. Subjects to study..Emotional Anatomy, Sexual Spirituality, Reiki, Astrology...too bad mainstream college doesn´t off you these types of classes. I feel they are more valuable to me than anything else.
I am currently in Spain. I found The Invitation Book...and am currently reading it. It´s a pretty damn inspiring book.
What classes have you taken?