Global Consciousness Conference Call November 8, 2003? Harmonic Convergence/Concordance
So I've been kicking this idea around for awhile now. Especially in all the reading I've done lately, I'm learning that reaching out to other people and their energies can have a tremendous effect on the whole world. Even more than that, it might be really neccessary right now.
I was sort of wondering to myself what it would be like if a bunch (or even a few) people around the world were able to focus on connecting their energies and sending feelings of love and compassion, and in turn receiving those very same things - but it would be even more powerful if we did it ALL AT THE SAME TIME. What would that feel like?
That's where I got the idea of a sort of metaphysical "conference call".
I was thinking, when would be a good time to do this? How would we do it? Well, after reading Tracey's post about the harmonic convergence on November 8 (Astrology Forum), I relized that that might be a good day. Given that the whole Mars thing completely shook things up, this "harmony" might really be a good environment for us to...well... harmonize.
How would we do it? Well, since we have so many different time zones, I was thinking we could just plan to send out positive healing energy (and receive it) every hour on the hour that we are awake during that day.
What would we do? Well, here's the neat part. I don't think it matters. You could pray, meditate, dance, sing, read a poem, feed your goldfish, or so somersaults - anything! Just as long as what you do is with the intention of reaching out to that web that connects us all and feeling the positive energy (or love, or prayer or whatever you want to call it) flowing out of you and back to you a millionfold.
I'd like to know what everyone thinks about that. I'm going to go ahead and say that I will be doing this. I will be reaching out to everyone on this planet on November 8, 2003 every hour on the hour that I am awake. I will be sending the highest vibrations I can muster. I will try to send love and healing to everyone who needs it. I will send buckets of positive energy. I will try to connect with as many people as I can.
I feel so blessed at all the wonderful people who are on this site. I just want a chance to try and give back and...connect with you all. With everyone, no matter who they are.
Am I crazy? You betcha, I even have the paperwork to prove it. Does anyone else feel this?