I don't know of any links or sources that discuss this...but I have always found it curious that molds grow on dead and decaying things...not things that are vital and thriving....and I think that there is a connection there with candida. Of course, death and decay can occur on many levels...from the quality of foods we put in our bodies to the emotional shut-down of depression...from the suppression of sexual energy to the collapse of the spirit...literal or symbolic...I think that candida only takes hold when and where energy is blocked and stagnant.
After years of working with geriatric patients in long-term care, I came to realize that actual death is not an event...it is a process...and can be a very lengthy one. I think when we are not living in line with our true nature and nourishing our spiritual being...this process begins to unfold...perhaps as the transforming force which breaks us down to return us to the source.