22 y
Re: Closed minded people
Words and cleansing
Words are very important to people. Words like "feces, bowel, colon, etc." probably won't offend people on this board, but people on the outside may be offended or shocked by them.
You might try something like, "The buildup of undigested food that lines my digestive tract is making it hard for my body to get the nutrition that it needs from the food that I eat. I'm going through a multi-step program that gradually removes this unwanted lining. This process has helped a lot of people. Hopefully it will help me, too."
Observe their body language and facial features as you talk. Note what words, if any, that they react to negatively, and modify as appropriate.
Of course, this may expose you to questions like, "How do you know that you have this buildup? How can I tell if I have this buildup?"
In general I agree with full-length digestive system cleansing, but I can't support a lot of the fasting ideas, many of which I think are downright harmful. How does one know that one does not feel well after a cleanse because of "toxins"? If there were a lot of veggie/fruit juices involved, perhaps it's really a reaction to an induced low blood
Sugar condition. Just my $.02.
Has anyone ever tried monitoring their blood
Sugar levels before, during and after a fast? Might not be a bad idea…