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Re: I thought "Distilled Water" was the best water to drink...
  Views: 6,961
Published: 22 y
This is a reply to # 441,791

Re: I thought "Distilled Water" was the best water to drink...

"...The expression that distilled water leaches minerals from the body is entirely inaccurate..."

I don't think that it's entirely inaccurate, although it is somewhat inaccurate.

Distilled water doesn't leach the minerals directly, as far as I know. It just doesn't replace certain minerals as the body uses them up. The net effect is leaching.

Now, if someone is living on the juice of raw root veggies, then perhaps you can make the case that enough of these minerals will be in the raw veggie juice. (I don't advocate this, BTW).

Also, I know of no evidence that distilled water acts as a kind of vacuum cleaner of minerals that the body doesn't need.

I hope everyone knows that there is a 27 mineral blood test available that can give us a good idea of how balanced our minerals actually are. I think that some folks on this board (indeed anywhere) would be in for a few surprises. One source of this type of test is BALCO Clinical Labs in Burlingame, CA. I think it's about $120.00 plus a phlebotomist's charge for drawing the blood. In my view, it's as important as a full adrenal profile and thyroid and liver testing.




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