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Re: Liver cleanse did not rid symptoms... maybe not my liver?
bone Views: 2,009
Published: 22 y
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Re: Liver cleanse did not rid symptoms... maybe not my liver?

This is a good trick to make Liver Cleanses more pleasent.Use grapefruit juice/GFJ instead of water in the epsom salt/ES rinses.Double the amount of GFJ in the recipe for the olive oil/OO mix and add a table spoon of maple syrup.GFJ works so much better then lemons as far as being able to stomach the mixture.I used lemons in the pass and it was just NASTY.Also plug your nose!

It sounds like you might have a calcified gall bladder stone instaed of the commom cholesterol liver stone.I would suggest a apple juice fast for 2 to 3 days before your next liver cleanse.Did a stone show up on a x ray or scan?Finally about the amount of olive oil.It is very important to get as much down as you can.I add a little more then what is in the recipe to make sure i get a better flush.I did a flush about 1 week ago in which i got over 500 tan liver stones out.



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