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First flush thanks for the help!
Serenitii7 Views: 538
Published: 22 y

First flush thanks for the help!

Thank you for your answers! I really appreciate it. As far as the weakness is concerned other than this cleansing, its because of the bronchitis, pneumonia, and asthma. This past Monday for the first time they finally did a couple of tests at the doctors office to determine what was wrong with me. They had me exhale into some type of spirometer and I tested at 190. An normal person depending on height, age and gender tests between 400-700. Basically I was hardly getting any oxygen. That's the reason for the breathing treaments, etc.

As far as the lightheadedness I agree now that it was just from my body having all of this stuff stirred up in it during the liver cleanse. You are both so right about the hypoglaucemia (sp. I drank some grapefruit juice and a glass of water with lemon juice and maple syrup in it similar to the Master-Cleanse and that did the trick. The blurred vision went away! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I have no clue what I was thinking and why it didn't dawn on me experiencing that feeling before... blurred vision and shakiness. I guess cause its my first cleanse I was thinking who knows what.

Yes of course for it to get to the symptoms I had that lead me to do these cleanses, allergies before the other, its from everything I've read here and researched elsewhere. My body was just so full of toxins and parasites. I've just finished up another wonderful dose of Epsom Salt 2 tsp and 1 tsp of Sea Salt and as it cleanses me out I'm really feeling much better. This is just so amazing and incredible!

Thanks so much for everyones help and support. Oh yea I hope everyone saw the re I had under my other message for help. I listed a link for all of the books Dr. Shulze (sp) from who he studied under Dr. John Christopher, worth visiting his site because all of his writings and books are available!



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