hi gita, i've been on the para gone and have had excellent results for deworming...if that one does not take care of the candida then do the other as well. you may also want to do the Colon Cleanse - i've had a candida colony come out after a b&p shake. it's white and kinda vainy and fuzzy...i've heard other's pass similar things that they thought were candida from their bowels. i think that's were it all starts and then spreads to the rest of the body so no matter how we kill it if the colony is stuck to old gunk in the intestines it will be there till something pushes it out. im no expert but that's what i've come to conclude after cleansing for the last 4 months.
the Liver Flush protocols on this site are not the same as pills in a bottle. but there are herbs you can take to support and detox the liver...bitters are really good too.