Need info Please on best software to create website and electronic books
I'm looking for the best and easiest way to create ebooks and wondered
if anyone had any recommendations for these types of programs. I've
written one ebook and a friend is putting it on PDF using Adobe. It is
costly however to purchase Adobe.
So for future books I was wondering about other programs. I've been
told about 2 that I'm going to look into. One is and the other is
Do you have any info on either of these or have any that you know about
and can recommend. If there a resource that you know of that
can tell me if either of these or others are good reliable products and
what is junk.
Lastly we are also wanting to create a webpage advertisement for the
ebooks we create and need a source for that. I'm thinking the ebook
programs also support that endeavor as well but you'll have to forgive
me cause I'm not certain about that.
Thanks in advance for any info. I do appreciate it.