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Re: 16 days of master cleanse, and no rope/mucus...much dissappointment
Tracey Views: 2,454
Published: 22 y
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Re: 16 days of master cleanse, and no rope/mucus...much dissappointment

Hi Dan....ooooh, I'm sorry to hear that you're kind of backed up! On my 2nd Master-Cleanse with B&P's I didn't have a bm for 2 1/2 days, so I took 1 tbsp of Epsom Salts in a glass of water and drank it down. Within a few hours I had some bm's (4, solids) and felt a lot better. Unfortunately my bm's didn't get back to normal for a few days, however. They were a little loose, no mucoid plaque. BUT, if you're feeling kind of desperate you might want to try that. It's up to you whether you want to add the salt water flushes in....depends on how you feel about them. You can add lax teas if you're feeling that what you're doing right now isn't working too. It's such an individual thing (I'm finding).

I was informed recently that one CAN get mucoid plaque out while salt water combo seems to go, depending on the person!

(hope that's not tooooo wishy-washy....)



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