Re: To Joy
Ok, this all started for me about 1 1/2 years ago. I have never been one to have gas. My regularity was usually every other day or at the latest every third day...not normal, but thats how it's always been.
1 1/2 years ago I went through some stress as I was commuting a long way for a job. I started having alot of gas. So much gas that it came out...loud...several times during the day and as I slept. I started noticing that I was having "spray" in my underwear from the gas. This led to constipation and swelling/pain from my rectum. I also noticed some blood spotting.
After about 6 months of this, I started taking fiber tablets which stopped the "spray" however after I went to the bathroom I had leakage for about 2 to 3 hours. The leakage would rub and cause bleeding.
Finally I went to see a gastro. He did some tests, ran a scope then did a full barium enema. Nothing showed up and he suggested I keep taking the fiber. After about 6 months I tried going off the fiber to see if whatever it was had passed. Within 24 hours I had the "spray", leakage after going to the bathroom, and rectum pain.
I did some research and found ParaGone. I did a full 15 day cleaning then waited 5 days and did another 15 day cleaning. Paragone is essentially BlackWalnut and some other herbs. After all of that I no longer need the fiber, however I still have the leakage after going to the bathroom. I HATE having to go back to the bathroom several times during the day to wipe. This is embarrassing and humiliating to me. What would cause this?
I have now ordered the F1 and F2 assuming that the ParaGone just didn't do a good enough job. But I cannot understand what is causing my problem. After reading this site, I am assuming that I have some sort of blockage that is building up gas. After going to the bathroom, the built up gas continues to push. 10 hours after going to the bathroom I am fine and there is no leakage....just gas. HELP!!!!