1-1-1 A Russia-poem-by cauchy3
A Russia-poem-by cauchy3.
King big-s are canals of karma.
Supreme hearts reach riches.
Shills are shifting as shilly-shally.
Carnal cousins are shells and shilling.
Oak trees are between Gods oaths.
Billy goats go for moans.
Float the thrones and approach the forms.
Russia valves wax the horns.
Flat tops are fixed tombs.
Wars are heavy even in pools.
Ways of vast are in wafer thin.
Wahoo are wails and wolves skins.
Clerks with clicks are clients of kings.
Cabers fevers are not carrots makers.
Most morale is good virtues.
That sinks would be mid level masters.
--------Cheung Shun Sang=Cauchy3--------