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A doom God-cauchy3
cauchy3 Views: 923
Published: 20 y

A doom God-cauchy3

A doomed God-by cauchy3.
Absolute god shows his regards towards absolute pleasures. Gods will doom when characterized or not characterized with ambitions. Who suppose to be in calls to create our worlds or even the non defined universals?
Clearly it would be our universals that might be defined on latter on days. But religions point out the fake truths that we could never define gods or pee powers.(over all).
To exercise all lives and dictate all fates, God is said to acquire pure loves and justices. Satan, and evils on the opposites, they set up all traps to tempt the good and the nice turning them to be arrogant and violent.
The methodology of one mono form of spirits and energy or cells may split by sets of associated two poles and tri-poles or multi-poles.
There might be one large dark hole or holes or single particles or both or many that combined to never give rise to senses of human and density of matters unless they are evolve or expand or change on time transactions.
Listen to my honest words on fates as a series of chances for a kind of possibilities. Says a mother wish to get her child home from schools by her private vehicle! Her lunches times are near and so dear that she becomes so worry and so anxious she is then wee her car. She drove a little faster. The point is a fast wee car may go against the rules and it may also cause accidences.
Actually the mother could not get every things and events under her controls. In these cases you may suspect the pure loves of god and the mother. Our god creates Adam but treat Satan or what behind evils as some belittle forms. So this lead to tragedy! Powers need majestic. However if you have self esteems do you have all submissive to goodness in whole just because you have sins. That could just our psyches and bio-cycles that exercise us. Of course I will be shame if I lay down. The earth has dusts. Ha evil ice creams also!.
Do you think that you should exalt god powers because you are short in dignities and honors? Yes cauchy3 is short in morals. But at least worships on or in our earths should be controlled.
For human desires to survive we need to control our environments and our inner beings. So we need stimulations and also afraid of stimulations. Actually we have senses and we are some kinds of lives from that we can feel.
Not to alter my words for our god or the mother then I ask that will pure loves be for altruisms or selfish home lords. God or gods seem to always fulfill with ambitions.
--------Cheung Shun Sang=Cauchy3--------



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