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cauchy3 Views: 710
Published: 21 y



White washes the elegant hand to promote all graceful laws. What maoism do to laws. Many laws are set up by dedicated minds and the common peoples have to follow them or treat them in kid gloves.

Kick start our willfulness like etched glasses in time funnels. We have our own sketch book in histories. Whether it is banana republic or loco motives in jack knifes. Human are all sorts of resources but each one of us is selfish.

White washed hands set off all dark one in touch and go. Un-pretensions are just one ways for persuasions. Love symbols look blank as they are not complete by so called holisms.

Countless circumstances in the successes for jingoism and ad hominem peoples and nepotisms! Of courses smilaxes may not be better than white berries. Fruits seldom lay on grounds. Plants are crawlers to be climbed. Who climb to the tops and abuse their subordinates?

Some forget the fundamental principal and they are crows like a cock and snatch like a dog then they become some whipping boys. You may be the whistle blowers. My major father had whipped round moneys from a female whore. She is full of charms and the pay roll is for flatterers.

When the purposes are meet and every communications or conversations are chances for ones prospects. Of course he returns all his debts with cashes to that woman at last.

Militarisms over power soldiers and soldiers over power citizens by laws in white washes! Militarisms have one track minds trying to govern many tracks in our lives

Are the symbols of loves can cover one me in my book of my mind that is self-centered? But all disorganized or many organized minds are more easy to control by administrations.

Maoisms and Nazi and caliphs are samples of human races. Nenaderthal man hunts animals by stones. Leaders hunt peoples by brains. Homo sapiens of hominids are apes who are intellectualized.

Who we become sophisticate when lie? Oxymoron is from sophisms. We seldom give borough to aborigines.

Who govern the rise and fall of bloody weaves? Are there any nemesis in happens besides our situations? Neo –Darwinism had stated their theory. But are the smilax type human plants are the fitness ones. One administration buy feels with feels. One administrator buys justices by guns. Many administrators etched the glasses in times funnels.

They measure our times. Overlords spread their control of powers sprawling cross the oasis of desserts like humps of sands. What is true admirable administration?

--------Cheung shun sang=cauchy3--------


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