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a 1-bay of moneys by cauchy3
cauchy3 Views: 568
Published: 21 y

a 1-bay of moneys by cauchy3

A 1-baby of moneys

If you have one bays of moneys then it give you shields for heaps of rains. You may success. Besides all meals and one coffin what you buy with your moneys. If you have good dignities you buy the loves from the worlds.

You support nice persons or your family. You donate a lot for charity. You support a group of persons to die martyr death. If you are dandy who visit your towns as town boys! You prepared a bunch of paper moneys that fold into flowers.

You buy the attentions of God-fathers. If you are some diligent merchants you play mah-jong with your friends on businesses then you take advantages to bet all your green chips but losing all them.

You buy sprees and many drinks to other famous peoples. Nepotisms are the dices that cast a lot during your games. If you are some one or want to make sure that you are. You buy many treaties with your followers and your friends from above or from below.

You got the attentions of every one who is ad hominem. By buying a lot you may disturb the flows in current markets. You can upset the peoples who dream about in disobedience.

May be you are the first or second personnel of the world. Person to person is affection to attend or moneys to arouse our feels. Our world is match with times. Our passion is wagged with loves. Do you mean loves?

Ok you win a bare world with crude mines. If you are handsome you buy celebrates or you buy some jesters. The duties lives are not to shift away from loves. But if you are really poor you are mere poor.

The day you are in satiety of your milk bottles you may be one innate whore. Who give you the milk? May be some one who hates! At least in some how and some ways this is true.

One may also flaunt ones superiorities when one have well-off or have been feed. To be wayward we need powers and moneys! In our inwards we need loves. Our essences powers are lucks and moneys and genius.

Actually many of them are our inborn gifts. Moneys will influence our lucks beside chances. If you are kind enough you may spare some one who begs for a chance. However you got to be caution you may be play by them latter on. Win up that-for moneys we could buy; and if we do not buy or sell then what happen to our world. What we buy or sell is in show with show hands on some times.
While benevolence and love, moneys and marriages are two complementary matching pairs. Powers and tricks is another transitive matching pair.

-------By Cheung shun sang=cauchy3-------


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