Re: Bush supporter mtndw questions are consistant with
Can anyone on this board have an intelligent debate? melbuffet asked...
Not with people posting q's like that one by mtndw.
An outright blatant stab with NO substance at Kerry.
That about sums up the support for Bush as being un-intellectual. How else COULD they support a man like Bush, so cold and hypocritical and blunted as he is.
Ignore the reality of business running the nation, of the connections to where the money is going, tapayer dollars not spent on what taxpayers need and want, but instaead it goes to Haliburton.But thats just fine with mtndw, he doesn't mind, rather now know... stay the course no matter how far off it aims.
...did this reply get personal? An attack on the person's credibility instead of the substance? Yup!
Thats what he asked for in posing such a stunted blockage to intelligent discussion, philosophically speaking of course.