A brick by cauchy3
A brick
Strews are faces to berry in white. As pure as cloth which are white to spaces. The threat of powers in depots of just. Law to rule out the right! Our freedoms hang on trees that are tall to reach.
Tat your wills like threads in coppers. Cover your necks with copper that freeze. Brains are sore and heats are freeze. Rate the rat in cage and give them a cape. Related laws are stakes in hands.
Run on strews and berries will bow. Since they are rats feed by cats. Cats are wild and cats have paws. Dark in nights and eyes are wonder. All rats got a cape.
Radars look at their armies but evils give them some smiles. Lasers are points to gate out the water s tanks. Valves are tongues to cross waters in secret which try to annex (swallow) the shores from beds in soils.
Birds on flat of tops are crowds on skies anon. Steels are melt by steels. Maces are signals inside hills with covering steels. Camps are closing shelf that resisted the rains
Put the core of times forwards by techniques. We live to taste sugars and fight to ends for bits. We delay our plan to cling to wings of angels. We agree to eat the moths but not to swallow rats.
So rats become plenty in groups. We grab the chance to talk. You put our wings in right and off the doors on stage for it. AS the doors slam you slash our wings.
Your laws are burn of hearts. Digest the fruits like the sort of berries in white aren’t good to us. Built your hairs in ways of heads that bow in winds but not the kinds of berry in white are…Some speakers are threaten.
Let out a deep sigh for the hopes to return with safes. You round up losing moneys by adding pains on shoulders of poor.
Burdens are heavy in lives. Spaces in white are thicker to judges. Bureau and stamps are seals for index. The laws and guns are other index.
Men from schools are locked in jails. Facts are locked in safe away from courts. Fails in banks where funds for Pinkos are loan. The shares of moneys are not good trade off.
The grain or grants of moneys for poor are little. Beans and eggs are imposed for allowing the poor to feed. Lodging boxes are built under cross over
Hands are gentle to moneys to buy guns and metals for wars. Moneys are symbols to give to gentle and uncertain minds in allies. Wares are fights in all.
Laws are wills to refrain all disagreements. Laws are contains to orders but not right to just. We are in worlds of mutual plotting. Muzzles are cover with cheers. Wines are sprees to wet the carpets in red
Low in prices for all in poisons! One with grams of gold is chose for stones in gobs—one brick
Scruples are views on looks but only deaths are her ways to homes. Go back to homes of music and foods.
Bricks are stones to hold up houses. Camps are bricks to hells. Loan me my bucks and hope you to return my dime. A brick is drop in hands in gentle. But only whores will please you for our lords.
Dissert to chains of laws to force on slaves. Heals to build up the dams to waters which strip off our right. Bricks are better than gold
by cheung shun sang=cauchy3=laplace181